A complex web of state and federal laws make the employer-employee relationship one of the greatest sources of risk for small businesses and start-ups. Businesses with operations or employees based in California are subject to the most burdensome employment laws in the country, making these businesses particularly susceptible to claims for wrongful termination, harassment, meal & rest period violations, paid sick leave violations, and misclassification of independent contractors.
We help our clients to reduce employment compliance risk by evaluating current employment practices, identifying gaps in compliance, and drafting written employment policies that provide the framework for legally-sound employee-employer relations.
While written policies are a good first step, businesses should also maintain a direct line of communication with an experienced employment attorney that can provide guidance with respect to unanticipated issues. Our deep understanding of our clients' businesses means that we are able to quickly and efficiently help our clients navigate rapidly evolving situations, such as employee terminations, responding to requests for leave, and handling allegations of harassment or discrimination.